a response to the new Presidential Executive Order on Gender-Identity

“As of today it will henceforth be the official policy of the United States Government that there are only two genders, male and female.” (from the second inaugural address of President Donald J. Trump)
The applause of the returning President’s minions was deafening; many are surely aware of his real intent. Doubling down on the culture wars is but a smoke screen masking the fact that he is powerless to bring down the price of eggs, a shiny object like the fantasy of annexing Mars, a distraction from the power grab that threatens our democracy (not that our system of government isn’t sorely in need of revision). Other policies have been put forward to advance the capital gains of the rich and powerful at the expense of our land and our world.
Some of the applause was genuine, for sure, coming from those who believe in American exceptionalism, Manifest Destiny and Christian Nationalism, apparently forgetting that past iterations of such ideologies led to the sanctioning of atrocities. Some, I fear, remember all too well and that’s actually the game plan.
As a Christian pastor I denounce such beliefs as affronts to the commandment to love our neighbor and as manifestations of a false sense of superiority that always leaves others out of the blessings they promise.
I have compassion for the masses who put their trust in the changes promised, for at the heart of such hope is the hunger for a better life for themselves—and because they’ll soon discover how hollow the promises are.
The shadows cast by this draconian gender-identity policy stretch into the lives of real people. Their reality will not change, just forced into the shadows—the same dark corners in which the immigrant community hoping for a better life will have to hide. But they and their allies will not be defeated, for beauty still exists in the shadows.
Like others who came of age before and during the gay liberation movement of the 1960s and 70s, I found community in our hiding places, learned of my lovableness in the shadows, discovered and maintained a sense of my own self-worth, and counted myself blessed. For our trans and gender-fluid siblings I am here to affirm your beauty, your dignity and authenticity, your worth, and even your hope.
Granted, I am well aware of the fact that some will refuse to hide, and some will be unable to. I pray for your safety and pledge to put my faith into action advocating for you. Fortunately there are places of refuge where you can stand in the light—communities of welcome and affirmation and radical inclusivity like those of the Ecumenical Catholic Communion in which I serve as a gay, married priest. Standing in the light of the gospel of liberation (an on-going revolution), we partner in faith, worship and mission with many other churches that counter the narratives of ignorance, bigotry and fear that threaten to shape our country’s future. Follow that light, seek us out, and we will work together for the good of all.
~ Fr. Michael J. Nicosia Vicar of Ecumenical Engagement, Rocky Mountain Region of the Ecumenical Catholic Communion and Co-pastor of St. Paul Catholic Community of Faith in Denver, Colorado January 21, 2025