"Time, Talent and Treasure" is a common stewardship focus for many faith communities.
In the Ecumenical Catholic Communion we believe that this is OUR church
and recognize all of the blessings and responsibilities that go with it.
Indeed, the fruits of our labors are given for the up-building of God's Kin-dom.
Through the generosity of our members and friends we can further our mission as the body of Christ.

Prayer Over the Gifts
Loving God, Your Son is made known to us in the breaking of the bread,
for it is in his self-gift that our blessing is revealed.
Receive these gifts, and the offering of our lives,
that we also may be your love incarnate in the world.
This we ask in the name of Jesus, our brother. Amen.
Firstly, pray for us and with us as we embody God's love, affirmation and challenge in the world.
Visit our various faith communities to see if your spirit resonates with their respective style of worship or ministerial focus, and become a member! Then engage, share your gifts, and let your voice be heard.
Members are invited to participate on a broader, communal level by registering as a member of this site to stay informed and contribute to various discussions impacting our life as church together. Meetings of our Regional Council (usually on the 1st Thursday of the month via Zoom) are open to guests; email us and we'll send you the link.
One of the ways we are the progressive Catholic Church in Colorado is that we're a church run by its people. We're always looking for volunteers to coordinate or simply help out with outreach programs, advocacy initiatives, special liturgy and event planning, Pride celebrations, representing your community in the Region or as a delegate to our national ECC Synod, et al.
Please contact us via email at expressing your interests and we'll connect you with those who share your passion.
We are working on setting up a PayPal account for online giving.
Tax-deductible donations, unless specified for a specific fundraising event, go toward the general operating expenses of the Region (including our own charitable giving and tithing to the national ECC).
Checks can also be made out to the Rocky Mountain Region ECC and mailed to our Treasurer's address below.